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Customer Service and Other Stories

ISBN# 978-1-989689-76-9

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The twelve stories featured in Customer Service and Other Stories range in time and place from the turn of the American century to some time in the near future; from California to Arizona to Stratford, Ontario.  At their core, they examine the human struggle for meaning in relationships and societies over time. Ambitious though this task is, each of these stories is focused with clear prose and a concise style, with plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader fully engaged and entertained. Wry and insightful, Customer Service and Other Stories holds a mirror up for the reader to examine their own life in a unique way.

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Meet Linda Martin

Linda Martin is the co-author of seven non-fiction books, many on the theme of popular culture, especially in the context of female experience, as well as the poetry collection The Colour of Clouds. She has also scripted and directed two documentary films, one featuring organic farmers and the other an independent movie theater complex and museum in cottage country. Having worked as a librarian in Vancouver and Melbourne, Australia, she currently resides in Toronto. Customer Service and Other Stories is her first work of fiction.

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